As of May 16, 2021 this post is not up to date anymore. Since this post was written the 90 FPS mode was introduced which changes the rate of fire of most weapons, some for the better and some for the worse. For example Groza and Uzi become slower in 90 FPS, while almost everything else becomes quicker. Still, this change does not influence the power rankings of the weapons too much, what does make a huge change is the recent update which has nerfed the M249 so much that it now has a much weaker bullet, shoots slower and with a much worse recoil profile. The added mag capacity does not compensate for this enough, so the weapon has effectively become the worst airdrop weapon.
What weapons you use can easily decide the outcome of a duel and be the key factor on your road to that chicken dinner. Other sites make these lists according to their own personal preference, our list is based on numbers. We also explain how to use each gun to unleash its full potential. And now let’s go straight to the shocking part.
1. MK14 (Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle)

Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
60.80 | 42.56 | 36.48 | 27.36 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
140 | 98.00 | 84.00 | 63.00 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
857 | 0.0915 | 0.18 |
This may look like a personal preference, but I assure you, it is not. Mk 14 is the most versatile weapon in the game. It can shoot full auto for close combat and it can be mounted with an 8X scope and be used as a sniper. Its 7.62mm rounds do immense damage, only bolt action sniper rifles rounds do more and it has a very fast rate of fire which is only bettered by SMGs and the GROZA. Because of the huge damage it’s rounds do and the immense rate of fire it has the quickest time to kill a level 2 vest. No other weapon comes even close to it’s 0.18s in that regard. The only downsides are a small clip (only 20 with the extended mag), the fact that it is an airdrop weapon and high recoil. However a good player should know how to control recoil. Always equip this monster with a sniper compensator (an AR compensator is also good, but a sniper compensator is more effective for recoil control), a cheek pad and an extended mag.
2. AWM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum)

Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
156.00 | 109.20 | 93.60 | 70.20 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
264.00 | 184.80 | 158.40 | 118.80 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
857 |
The big hitter. Everyone knows what the AWM can do. This gun usually gets to the number one spot on the top ten lists. The reason for this is that it is the only gun in the game that can clear a level 3 helmet with a single shot and in a game like PUBG mobile where fights end in less than a second that is huge. However, unlike Mk 14, the AWM can not be used effectively in close combat, for that one would have to pair it with another gun. Unless you have freak reflexes and aim like levinho or tacaz of course. Still, when you see someone getting killed by an AWM in the kill feed you notice and instantly become more careful. Attach a sniper suppressor and an extended mag to this beast. Bolt action sniper rifles do not need compensators or cheek pads as they only fire single shots at a time so there is no need for recoil control, however I still equip my AWM with a cheek pad so that I can swap it to a Mk 14 just in case I manage to get my hands on it. If I attach a sniper compensator to an AWM it is for the same reason.
3. M249 (M249 light machine gun)

Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest | Limb hit |
43.90 | 30.73 | 26.34 | 19.76 | 19.80 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
98.9 | 69.23 | 59.34 | 44.51 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
937 | 0.081 | 0.243 |
The squad wiper. Another airdrop gun. The M249 uses the 5.56mm round but has higher damage numbers than the other 5.56mm guns, albeit it still makes slightly less damage per round than the 7.62mm guns. However you can use 100 rounds per reload with this beast. The rate of fire is also very quick as well as the time to clear a level 2 vest. With its huge magazine and a manageable recoil when used by a skill player this can easily wipe a whole squad or blow up a car. The only drawback is the very slow reload time 8.20s, which can be a problem if you accidentally press the reload button in the middle of a fight. I have been killed more than once after habitually pressing reload after killing the first guy of a squad. Only a scope can be attached to this thing, but that is really all it needs.
4. GROZA (OTs-14 Groza)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
47.90 | 33.53 | 28.74 | 21.56 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
110.10 | 77.07 | 66.06 | 49.55 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
714 | 0.079 | 0.237 |
This is another airdop weapon. The damage per round is the same as the AKM, but it has a much faster rate of fire so it just obliterates the opponent very fast. The recoil profile is pretty bad though so it can not be used effectively at long range. You would think mid-range would also be a struggle, but nah, just point it towards the enemy and it will do its job. Groza can only take the suppressor, mag and scope attachments so that is what you will attach to it.
5. G36C (Heckler & Koch Gewehr 36)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
40.90 | 28.63 | 24.54 | 18.41 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
94.00 | 65.80 | 56.40 | 42.30 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
909 | 0.095 | 0.38 |
The best of the world spawn weapons. This gun can only be found on the Vikendi map. It does the same damage per round as all the other 5.56mm assault rifles and the rate of fire is also the same, so the time to kill a level 2 vest is also identical. What makes this AR better than all the other ARs is the fact that it has absolutely no horizontal recoil! Which means that controlling its recoil is as simple as possible. Slap a vertical or light grip to this and you will control the recoil like a pro. Other than that you should attach a compensator and an extended mag on it and wreak havoc.
6. AUG A3 (Steyr Armee-Universal-Gewehr)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
40.90 | 28.63 | 24.54 | 18.41 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
94.00 | 65.80 | 56.40 | 42.30 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
937 | 0.095 | 0.38 |
The AUG A3 is another airdrop weapon. Its damage per round, rate of fire and time to kill lvl 2 vest are identical with all the other automatic fire ARs which use 5.56 rounds. The recoil profile is also the same as that of the M416 and perhaps SCAR-L. One could argue that the AUG A3 and the M416 are the same gun. Where it excels though is the initial bullet speed. This means that in a close quarter combat situation all things being equal except one player is using the AUG A3 and the other using M416 the guy with the AUG A3 will win. So if the players have the same armor, the same health, the same ping etc. and start shooting at each other at the exact same time with the exact same precision the guy wielding the AUG A3 will win. The reason for this is that in PUBG mobile once a person dies the bullets that were still in the air at the moment of their death will disappear, not hitting the target. The higher bullet velocity also makes it easier to control at medium to long range as you have to lead your target a bit less. The drawback of the AUG A3 is its slightly higher reload time which lasts 3s (without a quickdraw mag) compared to M416’s 2.1s. Slap a compensator and an extended mag on this thing and you are ready to fight.
The only reason I prefer the next gun to this one is that I am much more accustomed to since it is much more available. That may also be an important factor.
7. M416 (Heckler & Koch HK416)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
40.90 | 28.63 | 24.54 | 18.41 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
94.00 | 65.80 | 56.40 | 42.30 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
909 | 0.095 | 0.38 |
The most popular gun in the game and it is easy to understand why. The M416 is a world spawn gun and is widely available on all five maps. This thing can take the most attachments and except for the G36C has the easiest recoil to control. So this is the recommended weapon for beginners. Well, veterans also love it. The damage and rate of fire are identical to all the other auto-fire 5.56mm ARs. This thing is versatile! It is effective in close quarter, medium range and long range combat. The current meta is just set up for the M416 and spraying, using the M416 it is possible to effectively spray at 150m which is crazy but that is just how it is working right now. Additionally if you run a bolt action sniper rifle you just have to run a M416 as well in order to cover the shorter ranges. The best attachments for this gun are compensator, angled/half grip, extended mag and tactical stock. The reason I prefer angled/half grip over the vertical grip which everyone else uses is the fact that the vertical grip only reduces vertical recoil, while angled/half grips reduce horizontal recoil. It is much easier to control vertical recoil than it is to control horizontal recoil as vertical recoil only goes up while horizontal is unpredictable. If you can not find a compensator, use a flash hider. Suppressors do not reduce recoil at all, while compensators and flash hiders do.
8. Beryl M762 (karabinek szturmowy wzór 1996 Beryl)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
45.90 | 32.13 | 27.54 | 20.66 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
105.50 | 73.85 | 63.30 | 47.48 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
697 | 0.095 | 0.285 |
I call this the mini Groza. A world spawn weapon that is widely available on all five classic maps. Its rounds are a bit less potent than that of the AKM and Groza and it shoots slower than the Groza, quicker than the AKM and at the same rate as the 5.56mm ARs. Hence among the ARs its time to kill a level 2 vest is bested only by the Groza. In close quarter combat you do not want to be the guy on the wrong side of this weapon! However its recoil pattern is so bad and its bullet speed is so slow that it is virtually useless for anything more than low midrange. And if you do not equip a compensator on it things get very hard. So a compensator, angled/half grip and an extended mag are a must on this gun. I actually prefer the M762 over the M416 because it makes it easier to switch to the Mk 14 or the Groza later on in the game because I already carry enough 7.62mm with me.
9. M24 (M24 Sniper Weapon System)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
101.40 | 70.98 | 60.84 | 45.63 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
202.80 | 141.96 | 121.68 | 91.26 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
810 |
The second best bolt action sniper rifle. The M24 used to be an airdrop only weapon in the early days of PUBG, that is how good it is. Nowadays it is a regular world spawn weapon that can be found on all five classic maps. Being able to kill an opponent with one well placed shot is wonderful. If you do not already use bolties regularly you should consider starting now. Pro tip: Always aim for the head, it’s better to miss while aiming at the head and trying again than to hit the body and watch the guy hide while cocking the rifle for a second shot. The downside is that bolties are not that versatile and can be used effectively only at mid and long range so you have to pair this with an M416 to cover all the other bases, or to deliver the killing blow if the first shot hits a level 3 helmet. Use a silencer or a flash hider and an extended mag. Cheek pad will not help but it will also not hurt so slap that thing on in case you need it for the Mk 14.
10. KAR98K (Karabiner 98 kurz)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest |
96.20 | 67.34 | 57.72 | 43.29 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
192.40 | 134.68 | 115.44 | 84.30 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
789 |
Everything said above for the M24 is also true for the KAR98K. The reason this rifle is lower on this list than the M24 is the lower base damage, slower reload and smaller mag. Be sure to use bullet loops on the KAR98 because it greatly improves the reloading speed.
Honorable mention: UZI (Micro Uzi)
Body shots:
No vest | Level 1 vest | Level 2 vest | Level 3 vest | Limb hit |
25.9 | 18.13 | 15.54 | 11.66 | 16.10 |
Head shots:
No helmet | Level 1 helmet | Level 2 helmet | Level 3 helmet |
44.30 | 31.01 | 26.58 | 19.94 |
The breakdown:
Bullet speed (m/s) | Rate of fire | Time to kill level 2 vest |
384 | 0.0432 | 0.259 |
The best SMG in the game, well except for the MP5K but that is only available in Vikendi. Only the Mk 14, the M249 and the Groza kill a level 2 vest quicker than this thing and those are all crate only weapons. That is how good it is! The Uzi is available on all five classic maps and since it got the red dot attachment it has really become a viable option. The fact that the 9mm bullet can be found in abundance and does not take much space in the backpack is a huge advantage. Another important advantage is that SMGs don’t give a movement penalty like ARs, LMGs, DMRs and especially bolt action sniper rifles do. There is also the limb damage. As can be seen from the table above UZI actually does more damage to arms and legs than it does to the body when the enemy is wearing a level 2 or 3 vest. This is actually very useful as no one really hits the body all the time when spraying. Additionally the recoil profile is just ridiculous, there is almost no recoil at all! This makes Uzi a very noob friendly gun. All these characteristics make Uzi a very good gun for close quarter combat. And here is where the fun part ends. Due to low shell velocity Uzi is not effective at mid and long range so it has to be paired with something like the DP28 which can handle both mid and long ranges. The only scopes it can be equipped with are red dot and holographic sight and you would have to be very good to clear two targets with one clip as the damage per bullet is too low and the clips are small. Equip an extended mag and the micro stock. For the muzzle I prefer compensator, but since the recoil is so low using a suppressor is also fine.
So there you have it, if you have liked this analysis, please share it with your friends.
You should do an update 😀